six degrees featured image Six Degrees: How We're All Connected in Surprising Ways Mathematics Science Riddles saponins infographic header All About Saponins Epigenetics: Are We What We Eat and How We Live? Biology, Medical & Healthcare Lens Flare: Tricks of the Light Physics kimia rahsia di sebalik rasa Ceritalah Kimia: Rahsia di Sebalik Rasa Biotechnology, Chemistry, Water & Food HABITAT HAIWAN (FEATURED IMAGE) Haiwan Itu Tinggal di Mana? organ tubuh badan featured image Mari Kenali Organ Tubuh Badan Anda crossword puzzle common molecules Chemistry: Common Molecules Minggu Sains Negara 2024: e-estidotmy di Kelantan dan Pulau Pinang! Inspirasi Saintis Muda YSN-ASM: ChM Dr Shahrul Nizam Ahmad teknologi nano tiub nano Teknologi Nano: Revolusi Luar Biasa dalam Dunia Teknologi Engineering, Physics healthy eating Healthy Eating for Kids: The "Quarter, Quarter, Half" Method & Nutrition Pyramid STEM Education, Water & Food pameran bahan pengajaran alam sekitar Dialog Bohm: Membentuk Generasi Pendidik Celik Keadilan Alam Sekitar Environment, STEM Education Beyond the Plate: Farming for a Healthy Planet Environment, Sustainable Development, Water & Food mighty microbes Mighty Microbes: Bacteria and Fungi to the Rescue! Biotechnology, Water & Food katak bioindikator kualiti air Ribbit Ribbit! Si Katak Penunjuk Kualiti Air Math Crossword Get Out of the Math Jungle! the corn quest The Corn Quest math is fun Let's Play with Math! Mathematics, STEM Education apec aemi syazwani An APEC Fellowship Adventure: From Malaysia to Tasmania Chemistry borak STEM hazami habib Apa Masalah STEM sebenarnya? | Borak STEM Episod 1 marine biology dr nursalwa baharuddin Ask a Scientist: Dive Into Marine Biology with Dr Nursalwa Baharuddin national science challenge poster Mari Mendaftar Untuk Menyertai National Science Challenge (NSC) 2024! Komik, Inspirasiku Sebagai Saintis Chemistry, Engineering 2023 chrysalis award Metamorphosis: The 2023 Chrysalis Award Journey Medical & Healthcare, Water & Food alam sekitar Impak Aktiviti Individu Terhadap Alam Sekitar environment Planetary Health: How Individual Actions Influence the Environment asm northern chapter roadshow poster ASM Northern Chapter Roadshow 2024 dr cheah pike see neuroscience Dr Cheah Pike See: Brains, Brawn, and Breakthrough

e-estidotmy is an initiative to bring science and maths closer to society. It is a portal to spark curiosity and innovation among students by learning and appreciating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics topics (STEM).

Students, teachers and the general public will have fun learning about STEM topics and fields that are thought to be complicated and boring.

Educators will find STEM content suitable for lesson plans, classroom activities and educational resources. Parents will feel empowered to have scientific discussions at home.

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Discover the six degrees of separation theory, which shows how anyone in the world is just six steps away from each other through social connections.
Epigenetics shows that environmental factors like diet and lifestyle, not just genes, shape our traits and health, influencing both us and future generations.
Lens flares are light artefacts in photos caused by scattering and reflection within the lens, producing effects like geometric "ghosts" or spoke-like sunbursts.
Setiap nuansa rasa makanan ialah hasil interaksi kompleks ratusan bahan kimia. Proses sintesis telah membolehkan kita menghasilkan pelbagai jenis perisa.
Teknologi nano melibatkan zarah bersaiz 1 hingga 100 nanometer. Ia bakal membawa revolusi kepada bidang fizik, sains bahan, kimia, dan banyak lagi.
Dialog Bohm di UPSI melibatkan bakal guru sains untuk meneroka strategi alam sekitar dalam pendidikan untuk memupuk kesedaran dan keadilan alam sekitar.