teknologi nano tiub nano Teknologi Nano: Revolusi Luar Biasa dalam Dunia Teknologi Engineering, Physics healthy eating Healthy Eating for Kids: The "Quarter, Quarter, Half" Method & Nutrition Pyramid STEM Education, Water & Food pameran bahan pengajaran alam sekitar Dialog Bohm: Membentuk Generasi Pendidik Celik Keadilan Alam Sekitar Environment, STEM Education Beyond the Plate: Farming for a Healthy Planet Environment, Sustainable Development, Water & Food mighty microbes Mighty Microbes: Bacteria and Fungi to the Rescue! Biotechnology, Water & Food katak bioindikator kualiti air Ribbit Ribbit! Si Katak Penunjuk Kualiti Air Math Crossword Get Out of the Math Jungle! the corn quest The Corn Quest math is fun Let's Play with Math! Mathematics, STEM Education apec aemi syazwani An APEC Fellowship Adventure: From Malaysia to Tasmania Chemistry national science challenge poster Mari Mendaftar Untuk Menyertai National Science Challenge (NSC) 2024! Komik, Inspirasiku Sebagai Saintis Chemistry, Engineering 2023 chrysalis award Metamorphosis: The 2023 Chrysalis Award Journey Medical & Healthcare, Water & Food alam sekitar Impak Aktiviti Individu Terhadap Alam Sekitar environment Planetary Health: How Individual Actions Influence the Environment asm northern chapter roadshow poster ASM Northern Chapter Roadshow 2024 dr cheah pike see neuroscience Dr Cheah Pike See: Brains, Brawn, and Breakthrough sains forensik kerana obsesi Siri Cerpen Sains Forensik: Kerana Obsesi carbon emission Reducing Carbon Emission by Reducing Waste Cinta Terhadap Biologi Membawaku Dari Kuala Terengganu Ke Oxford Biotechnology Navigating Human-Animal Conflict in Malaysia Sustainable Development Menjejak Plastik: Cabaran dan Penyelesaian Bagi Malaysia Environment, STEM Education, Sustainable Development Penderia Pemantauan Air untuk Kelestarian Kualiti Air dan Kehidupan Akuatik Environment, STEM Education, Sustainable Development, Water & Food bakteria baik dan jahat Borak Sains: Bakteria Baik VS Jahat Peralatan Memasak Anti Lekat Bersalut PTFE Engineering The Physics Behind the Anime “Attack on Titan” Physics The Attosecond Pulse Physics Traversing STEM in Parenthood: A Journey with Twins (Part 2) Medical & Healthcare Traversing STEM in Parenthood: A Journey with Twins (Part 1) Medical & Healthcare Cabaran Pendidikan Matematik di Malaysia Mathematics, STEM Education

e-estidotmy is an initiative to bring science and maths closer to society. It is a portal to spark curiosity and innovation among students by learning and appreciating science, technology, engineering, and mathematics topics (STEM).

Students, teachers and the general public will have fun learning about STEM topics and fields that are thought to be complicated and boring.

Educators will find STEM content suitable for lesson plans, classroom activities and educational resources. Parents will feel empowered to have scientific discussions at home.

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