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Pencetakan 3D merupakan suatu teknologi yang telah biasa didengari. Tapi adakah anda pernah mendengar tentang pencetakan 4D? Pencetakan 3D ialah…
Have you ever felt an itchy or burning sensation during the night and woke up to tiny reddish swellings on…
Emosi dan perasaan merupakan ciptaan Yang Maha Esa yang sungguh cantik, ajaib dan luar biasa. Kita rasa gembira bila sesuatu…
Bees are an overlooked creation of nature, but they matter if we were to ensure food security. Most crops we…
The minute you see and hear them, you know it is the start of a joyous celebration. Be it a…
“A good fragrance is a powerful cocktail of memories and emotions”, quoted Jeffrey Stepakoff, a famous American television writer. An…
A burp can be loud or quiet, socially acceptable or gross. But how does it happen? Have you ever noticed…
Is baking a cake an art, a science, or both? The beautiful icing, sugar glaze, towering layers, fruit arrangements on…