Minat STEM Dr Aeslina Abdul Kadir bermula sejak kecil, dipupuk melalui eksperimen, kajian alam, dan kini diteruskan sebagai seorang profesor serta penyelidik.
Is organic really worth it? Discover the truth about health, cost, and sustainability to make informed choices for you and the planet.
Balancing screen time with nature fosters children's confidence and decision-making, helping them learn healthy risk-taking in a safe environment.
Balancing screen time with nature is essential for children's development, fostering resilience, confidence, and adventure in today’s digital world.
Microplastics are tiny, harmful plastic particles found everywhere, from oceans to food. Reducing plastic use and raising awareness can help protect our planet.
Dialog Bohm di UPSI melibatkan bakal guru sains untuk meneroka strategi alam sekitar dalam pendidikan untuk memupuk kesedaran dan keadilan alam sekitar.
Global food supply meets demand, but access issues and climate change pose threats. Sustainable farming and improved distribution are vital.
Malaysia menghadapi risiko pencemaran plastik yang meruncing. Usaha bersepadu yang melibatkan saintis masyarakat dan kecerdasan buatan bertujuan menangani krisis dalam menjejaki serta menguruskan sisa plastik.