Ever wondered why eating beetroot can make your pee look like fruit punch? Does organic chemistry explain the transformation of urine into a striking shade of red after consuming beetroot?
Indeed, it is already demonstrated by the presence of an organic compound called betanin in beetroot. It is like the natural dye in beetroot, just like food colouring makes icing bright red.
So, how does this happen? When we eat beetroot, our body breaks down the red colour in it called betanin. Some of this colour gets into our pees because our bodies absorb it easily in the stomach. Therefore, your urine will turn reddish or pinkish—a phenomenon we discovered as beeturia.
Eating beetroot can turn your pee red, but it’s like a rare club membership, where only 10 to 14 % of people join in on the colourful fun. Some people may find that consuming only a small portion of beets is enough to experience red urine, while others might need to eat large quantities of beets for beeturia to be apparent.
Reddish-coloured urine can be alarming, but don’t panic. It’s harmless; if you notice it, keep an eye on your health with regular check-ups. Now that you know about beeturia, what other foods could change your pee’s colour?