Associate Professor ChM Dr Fatimah Salim

  • Senior lecturer at the School of Chemistry & Environment, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM)
  • Research fellow at Atta-ur-Rahman Institute for Natural Product Discovery (AuRIns), UiTM
  • Fatimah Salim’s roles at Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM):
  • Co-opted council member of Malaysian Institute of Chemistry (IKM) for term 2023-2024
  • Co-chair of Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry Division
  • International liaison head of IKM Malaysian Young Chemists Network
  • Member of ASM Young Scientists Network
  • Co-author, YSN-ASM Training-of-Trainers Module (Science Communication in Practice: A Malaysian Perspective with Global Relevance)
  • Committee member of Malaysian Natural Product Society (MNPS)
  • Active communicator of chemistry on her Facebook account using the trademark ‘Ahli Kimia’
  • Founding member of the Facebook Group ‘Makmal Makanan (MaMa)’
  • Increased visibility and credibility as a chemist through social media outreach