Current Edition

Balancing screen time with nature fosters children's confidence and decision-making, helping them learn healthy risk-taking in a safe environment.
Balancing screen time with nature is essential for children's development, fostering resilience, confidence, and adventure in today’s digital world.
Siput Drupella merupakan haiwan pemangsa yang mengancam ekosistem terumbu karang. Usaha pemuliharaan perlu dijalankan untuk melindungi spesis yang terancam.
Ujian Stroop mengukur keupayaan kawalan kognitif otak dalam memproses maklumat bercanggah, memperlihatkan pentingnya fokus dan kecekapan mental.
At UTHM Pagoh, students studying to be food technologists are honing their skills through practical experiments, shaping the future of food safety and quality.
Walaupun sinaran mengion membawa risiko, aplikasinya dalam perubatan dan industri memberi manfaat, seperti dalam rawatan kanser dan keselamatan kebakaran.
Researchers are harnessing GM technology to produce saffron’s valuable pigments in plants, a more affordable and sustainable alternative to traditional methods.
Discover the six degrees of separation theory, which shows how anyone in the world is just six steps away from each other through social connections.