Current Edition

Bila sebut tentang fizik, apakah yang terlintas dalam fikiran anda? Kebanyakan akan terfikir tentang angkasa lepas, lohong hitam, graviti dan…
With today’s busy lifestyle, healthy eating for kids is fast becoming more difficult. With more processed foods and hectic schedules,…
Sidang Kemuncak Transformasi Pendidikan oleh Persidangan Bangsa-Bangsa Bersatu (UN Transforming Education Summit) 2022 menekankan bahawa isu alam sekitar kini memerlukan…
While currently, there is enough food produced globally to meet the needs of the entire population, significant challenges related to…
Remember those evil cartoon creatures on posters in the doctor’s office? The chaos caused by the COVID-19 virus in the…
Did you know March 14th (3/14) is celebrated as Pi Day? This date was chosen because π (pi), one of…
Embarking on the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC)-Australia Women in Research Fellowship was like a catalyst for me, where I delved…
Saya merupakan anak gadis kelahiran Sarawak, anak darah kacukan Melayu dan Cina. Semasa kecil, saya tidak pernah membayangkan bahawa saya…